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Tuesday, April 07, 2009
I know he loves me because when he got paid today he made a special trip to get this clock for me. Because he knew I wanted it. Even though it horrifies him.
e-mail me
southernxyl at hotmail dot com
I am Laura, southernxyl. Where does "southernxyl" come from? First of all, I am from Mississippi and I've lived in the South since I graduated from college. When I was a kid my brother was a ham radio operator. I learned some of the shorthand expressions hams used to save tapping that key. One was "yl", for "young lady" (girl) and one was "xyl" for "ex-young lady" (woman). So I am a southern ex-young lady.
I live with R, my husband of 30 years, and two cats.
That's a really artsy clock. Was it done by a local artist? I love that kind of stuff. (Oh, hello there, Bonnie!)
No, it was done by an art clock company in Washington State.
Bonnie says hi.
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