To read about F's and my London trip, start here and click "newer post" to continue the story.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Note to Cat:

When you ask to go out the front door
and I get up and open the door
and you walk out and around to the back of the house and come in the pet door
and ask to go out the front door
and I get up and open the door
and you walk out and around to the back of the house and come in the pet door
and ask to go out the front door
and I get up and open the door
and you walk out and around to the back of the house and come in the pet door
and ask to go out the front door...

...that must be a very pleasant and fun game in catland, but for humans over the age of 4 years or so, it gets old.


Anonymous said...

Is someone gullible?

Laura(southernxyl) said...

Maybe just a tad.

Mrs. Who said...

Cats...answerable to no one.